Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Entrecard Is Addictive!

I first wanted to thank my Top Posters from Entrecard!
I wish I could list more, but here they are. Thank you for you support!

Simply Shiny
Gain, Make, Earn Money Online
Designing Hilary
PipeB Web Hosting
Search Engine Panel
Samples Girl
Random Ramblings

So, I joined maybe 4 days ago and I am totally addicted to dropping cards. Now, I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing to click the 300 card limit per day. If you constantly click the maximum of 300, it drives up your Advert price to "Too Expensive".What the heck does that mean? Can someone tell me does that hinder possible bids for you receive? Or is your blog considered popular and customers are chomping at the bit to advertise on your blog?


4 Responses to "Entrecard Is Addictive!"
  1. Crimzen Creative said...
    August 7, 2008 at 1:00 AM

    I love your jewelry! Entrecard is addicting and I don't usually advertise on high credit sites. I look at the site traffic not how often the user drops or their ranking. My site is around 8 credits but I have high traffic - I just find it hard to keep up with the drops :-)

  2. Designing Hilary said...
    August 7, 2008 at 10:10 AM

    Welcome to Entrecard! I've only been on it for two weeks, but I feel like an old-timer ... probably because it does take a lot of time if you let it.

    The cost of advertising on your site does not go up because you drop 300 cards. The Advert price is driven by how many people purchase adverts to your site per day.

    If your card says "Too Expensive" it's because you do not have enough EC to buy your own ad (not that you would do that anyway!), but there are plenty of others who could afford it.

    Feel free to drop 300 cards if you have the time. It's a great way to see a lot of blogs, and the majority will reciprocate and visit your blog.

  3. Art for Hair said...
    August 7, 2008 at 11:29 AM

    Entrecard is definitely addictive! I think your popularity rating is dependent on more than just the number of cards you drop though - it also has to do with how many cards others dropped on you, how many ads people purchase from you, how long since someone purchased an ad...I'm no expert, but it's not just to do with how many cards you drop.

  4. Anonymous said...
    August 7, 2008 at 1:44 PM

    I think it means you are popular :)


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